The new Simplified FAFSA is here! Here’s a quick video with some tips that will help you get through it with a minimum of chaos and maximum of financial aid. 🔗
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Pre-Tax or Roth: How do I Choose?
April is Financial Literacy Month, so I'm writing about some general financial literacy topics. Today's topic: Pre-Tax and Roth retirement savings and how to decide which to use.
The Savings Hierarchy
It’s financial literacy month, so today I’m talking about the savings hierarchy.
Credit Scores
April is Financial Literacy month, so I'm going to write about some broader topics that might be helpful to you and your student. Starting with credit scores: what are they, how do you get one, why do you care?
What's in a Financial Aid Award Letter?
Financial aid awards come in all shapes and sizes. Unfortunately, so do financial aid award letters and comparing them can seem like comparing apples to hot dogs. Here are the key elements to look for.
What Kind of Aid is it?
Scholarships and grants are free money. Does it matter which kind of free money you get, as long as you get some? As a matter of fact, it does.
State and Private Funding of Higher Ed Increase
State funding for higher education increased by over 8% in the current fiscal year, while charitable donations to US colleges and universities rose by 7%. What remains to be seen is how much benefit trickles down to students once inflation factors in.
How Much Should You Save for College?
A client’s former advisor told her that she should save $800,000 per child for college. None of my initial reactions to that were appropriate for a client meeting, but how much should you save for college is an important question for a lot of families so let’s dig into that.
Loan Forgiveness: The Temporary PSLF Waiver
Public Service Loan Forgiveness is a great concept that suffers from terrible implementation. On the surface it sounds straightforward enough: Work 10 years in the public or non-profit sector, make payments on your student loan for those 10 years, and any balance remaining is forgiven.
Net Price Calculators
Getting an estimate of your Expected Family Contribution is really helpful, and it's pretty easy. The Department of Education's unfortunately-named Student Aid Estimator will calculate the FAFSA's EFC for you with a few data inputs; the College Board offers one for the CSS Profile.
7 More Uses for 529 Funds
Should you find yourself in the fortunate situation of having more 529 dollars available than needed, there are several things you can spend those dollars on that you might not have thought of:
I Bonds for College Savings
If you’re a financial advisor, it’s hard to go an hour without talking about I Bonds right now. It seems the word is getting out to the general public now too.
Choosing a 529 Plan
A recent survey showed that while almost two-thirds of parents were saving for college, only about one-third are saving in a 529 plan. That’s unfortunate, since 529s are usually the best choice for savings, for a lot of reasons. On the other hand, it’s not unexpected, given that the vast array of often confusing choices can be a barrier to use. So, how do you choose?
Superfunding a 529
A contribution to your child’s 529 account is, according to the IRS, a gift to your child. This means that it’s subject to annual gift limits: any individual can gift another individual $15,000 in 2021 without reporting it anywhere or paying any taxes on it. In 2022, the limit– or exclusion amount– goes up to $16,000.
Gifting to Your 529
Tis the season to put your money where your mouth is. Ways to shift from your kids getting stuff to encouraging family and friends to contribute to your 529 savings plan.
EFC vs Net Cost 2021
Families of college-bound students are always looking for strategies to manage their Expected Family Contribution, and I’m happy to oblige. However, lowering your EFC is no guarantee of getting financial aid. And that’s why net cost is important.
Do we need a Department of Education? To answer that, it’s helpful to know what it actually does.