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Talking to your kids about money is awkward at best. Here are some strategies to make those conversations less fraught and more productive.
One of the best ways to save for college is to have other people do it for you. Here’s how.
What do the University of Alabama, Harvard, Pepperdine and Yale have in common? At least one student from each won a Rhodes Scholarship this year.
Happy 2025! Last year I made a New Year’s Resolution and kept it. That makes me a self-appointed expert on New Year’s resolutions. Here are some resolutions for parents planning for college— and my expert advice on how to keep your resolutions.
What is and isn’t an asset on the FAFSA? Here’s a quick “is it or isn’t it?” for you.
We’re almost there: acceptance letters are arriving and the May 1 decision day is right around the corner. For most families, how much schools cost is part of the decision making process.
Parent assets seem to be the area that most families and planners focus on, despite the fact that they typically have the smallest impact on the formula of each of the components. Strategies and tactics to minimize parent assets abound, but for most families these result more in nibbling around the edges than actually making a significant dent in SAI.
The College Board’s annual Trends in College Pricing and Student Aid report was released recently. Among the headline findings: college tuition prices increased at extremely low rates for the second year in a row, reflecting both a combination of continued impacts of the pandemic and enrollment pressures from demographic trends.
Filing the FAFSA raises tons of questions for divorced parents. Here are some answers.
Happy FAFSA Day! Are you completing the FAFSA for the first time this year? While you’re waiting for the site to load, here are some resources that will help you get through it with a minimum of chaos and maximum of financial aid.
I think Oregon is one of the last places in the US that starts school after Labor Day so my apologies if you’re no longer in back-to-school mode. Here are some resolutions your family might make for the coming school year. And, here’s hoping they don’t get broken as quickly as the typical New Year’s diet-and-exercise resolutions!
The FAFSA & CSS Profile
Saving for College
Student Loans
Application Process
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College Tax Credits and Divorce
Divorced parents are probably already well aware that the financial piece of planning for college is mystifying at best. If you’re a divorced parent, I hope this information helps you with your planning.
529 Plans and AMT
Many two-income Oregon families end up owing AMT due to our two-legged tax “stool.” That’s because, absent sales tax, we pay higher income and property taxes.
Trends in College Pricing - 2014
Obama’s Proposed Changes to 529 Plans
Part of President Obama’s proposal to “simplify the tax code” includes significant changes to the tax treatment of 529 plans and Coverdell ESA accounts: for new contributions (i.e, after enactment of this proposal, should that happen) distributions would no longer be tax-free, even if they are used for qualified education expenses.
Is Getting Into a Good School Really So Difficult?
FAFSA Treatment of Retirement Plan Contributions
Behold, FAFSA season is upon us! Well, not entirely– the FAFSA isn’t available until January 1. Nonetheless, confusion and questions about the FAFSA abound already.
Matching 529 distributions to qualified expenses
So Junior is off to college and now it’s time to start paying the bills. For those who have done a good job putting money away in a 529 account, it’s important that you time your distributions in the same year as your expenses. It’s time to learn about two forms: the 1099-Q and the 1098-T.
EFC: Why You Need to Know
EFC is your Expected Family Contribution. In the real world, think of it as your Minimum Family Contribution. There is no requirement that a school meet your need, though some will.
Happy 2025! Last year I made a New Year’s Resolution and kept it. That makes me a self-appointed expert on New Year’s resolutions. Here are some resolutions for parents planning for college— and my expert advice on how to keep your resolutions.